1st Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2024 (এটা 2024 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান) suggestion of poetry [ Join CSP Online Private Classes | ফেসবুকে প্রাইভেট ] suggestion of poetry Part- C *** What qualities of metaphysical/love poetry do you find in the poem, The Good-Morrow *** Explain the central idea/theme/as a sonnet/critical appreciation of “On His…
Dramatic Monologue is a lyrical poem in the form of speech spoken by a single man. It is dramatic because it begins abruptly and in the development of its thought it takes several sudden turns which impart a dramatic dimension to the poem. In a dramatic monologue, the single speaker reveals his thoughts in the…
What are the Genres of Poetry? The students of English Literature must know the genres of poetry. They should know the elements that make a poem either narrative or lyric. They should know the fundamental features of the sonnet, ode, elegy, dramatic monologue, metaphysical poetry, modern poetry, and more. The knowledge of these forms makes…