Many of you often ask how to secure facebook account. Even sometimes you accuse that someone has hacked your personal facebook account and now he/she is doing harm to damage your fame. More or less, we all experience facebook hacking issues and we become anxious if something terrible happens. So, to make you relief from…
Author: Farhana Ema If we consider young generation, everybody has at least one Facebook account where there is internet access. We often are getting that older citizens are also trying to use Face book regarding its usability but it is common that some of them do not know how to sign up or open a…
Using Social Media is not basically totally harmful as it is thought. Rather they can be useful partners for your daily life. They are like drugs, if you take more than your need, you will get addicted, but if you take as you need, they are useful. Same example can be set up with knife.…
No matter you use computer or mobile device to log in to Facebook. This content will teach you how you can log in your already created Facebook account. To log in Facebook and browse it, you must have an already opened account and then you can log in it. However, head over this step by…