Suggestion of William Shakespeare: MA-2022
By Cloud School Pro
Part – C
- *** Discuss how the play-within-the play contributes to the development of action in Hamlet.
- How far do Gertrude and Ophelia prove the validity of Hamlet’s observation on the frailty of women?
- *** Discuss the supernational elements in Hamlet.
- *** Critically analyze Hamlet’s procrastination in taking revenge.
- Do you agree that there was a method in Hamlet’s madness? If so, why?
- *** Comment on the use of Soliloquies used in Hamlet.
- *** Consider Othello as a domestic tragedy.
- *** Irony is a powerful dramatic device used by Shakespeare to heighten the tragic dimension of his play Othello- Discuss.
- *** Othello is a love story-the tale of a man who loved excessively but not wisely- discuss.
- *** Comment on the view that Iago is more interesting than Othello.
- Discuss the point that Desdemona is partially responsible for the tragedy in Othello.
King Lear
- *** The theme of blindness- both physical and emotional- is dramatically presented in the play King Lear.
- Critically comment on the character and role of the Fool in King Lear.
- *** Sketch the character of Lear as a father/king/tragic character.
- *** To what extent are Lear and Cordelia responsible for the tragic end of their life?
- *** Comment on the dramatic irony that occurs in King Lear.
The Tempest
- *** Forgiveness and Reconciliation are the key notes in the play The Tempest.
- Compare and contrast the characters of Ariel and Caliban.
- *** Examine the relationship between Miranda and Ferdinand in the Tempest.
- *** How does Shakespeare match time, place and action in The Tempest.
Measure for Measure
- *** Discuss the role of Isabella.
- *** Evaluate Measure for Measure as a problem play.
- *** Examine the moral, social and political atmosphere in Measure for Measure.
- *** Discuss the theme of justice and mercy in Shakespeare’s Measure for measure?
Julius Caesar
- *** Comment on Julius Caesar as a political play.
- How does Brutus justify the murder of Caesar?
- Who is the real hero of the play, Julius Caesar? Brutus or Caesar?
- *** Discuss the opening scene of Julius Caesar.
- Evaluate Shakespeare’s handling of the historical facts in the play Julius Caesar.
Part – B
- Discuss
- Hamlet.
- Consider Othello
- tragedy in Othello.
King Lear
- The theme
- in King Lear.
The Tempest
- Forgiveness
- The Tempest.
Measure for Measure
- Discuss
- Measure for measure?
Julius Caesar
- Comment
- play Julius Caesar.