1st Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2024 (এটা 2024 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান) suggestion of prose

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Watch Sample class: https://youtu.be/6zm5_iKMZX8 suggestion of prose
বিঃ দ্রঃ নিচের 3 Star এর প্রশ্ন গুলো, পরিক্ষার জন্য বেশি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। এই 12 টা প্রশ্ন বেশি বেশি পড়।
Part- C
- *** Discuss Bacon’s prose style / aphoristic style based on Of Studies.
- *** Discuss Tagore’s protest and patriotism that you find in “Letter to Lord Chelmsford Rejecting Knighthood”.
- Discuss the historical background and importance of the Gettysburg address.
- *** How did Lincoln prove that Democracy is the best form of government?
- Discuss the shooting episode from the Shooting and Elephant.
- *** Discuss the role and contribution of Mandela in establishing democracy in South Africa.
- *** Comment on the theme of alienation in the story “Cats in the Rain”.
- *** How does K. Mansfield depict a social picture/a sharp contrast between the haves and have-nots in her story, “The Garden Party”?
- Discuss the character of the narrator/young boy in Araby.
- *** Give an account of the irony of the situation/trials and tribulations of the writer during the Luncheon.
- *** How the writer was exploited by the Lady Guest in The Luncheon. / Irony of Situation.
- Compare and contrast the characters of Jim and Della.
- *** Bring out the symbolic meaning of the title “Games at Twilight”/ Irony.
- *** Discuss the treatment of child psychology in Games at Twilight.
- The character of Roghu/Ravi
- *** Discuss the role of Eppie in bringing about optimism in Silas Marner’s life.
- The character of Silas Marner/ Nancy
- *** Comment on the spiritual regeneration and realization of Silas in Silas Marner Novel.
Part- B
- “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”. Elaborate the line.
- How according to Bacon, does reading make a full man?
- Why did Tagore reject his Knighthood?
- What does the elephant signify in “Shooting an Elephant”?
- What was the reaction among the Europeans after shooting the elephant?
- Explain the following lines: — “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity, and my eyes burned with anguish and anger”.
- What, according to Lincoln, are the unfinished tasks?
- Describe the historical significance of the speech “I Have a Dream”.
- What “twin obligations” does Mandela mention?
- Who is the protagonist of the story “Araby”? What does he aspire to achieve and why?
- What was the writer’s first impression of the lady guest?
- Why does O’ Henry call Jim and Della, the “Magi” of the modern times?
- How do Jim and Della prove their love to each other?
- Discuss the character of Jim.
- How did Laura react to the death of her poor neighbor?
- Write a note on ‘Sheridan’s Family’.
- “But we can’t have a garden party with a man dead just outside the front gate”. Who said this and in what context?
- Discuss the class consciousness in “The Garden Party”.
- Discuss the use of foreign language in “Cat in the Rain”.
- Briefly comment on the desperation of Ravi to win the game.
- Why is Ravi unwilling to join the funeral game?
- How did Moly die?
- Discuss Silas’s obsession with money.
- What effect does Eppie have on Silas’s life?
- What is the writer’s first impression of the lady guest?
- What did the narrator in Araby see in the market?
- What does the protagonist strive to achieve?
- How is the American couple portrayed in A Cat in the Rain?
Questions of the Previous exam- 2022

Part- C
- Discuss Bacon’s prose style / aphoristic style based on Of Studies. ***
- Discuss bacon as an Essayist.
- Discuss Tagore’s protest and patriotism that you find in “Letter to Lord Chelmsford Rejecting Knighthood”. ***
- Discuss the historical background and importance of the Gettysburg address.
- How did Lincoln prove that Democracy is the best form of government?
- What attitude does Orwell express towards imperialism and colonialism in “Shooting an Elephant “? / Discuss shooting episode. ***
- Discuss the role and contribution of Mandela in establishing democracy in South Africa.
- Consider I have a dream is a charter/manifesto of freedom and equality for the black people. ***
- Comment on the theme of alienation in the story “Cats in the Rain”. ***
- How does K. Mansfield depict social picture/a sharp contrast between the haves and have-nots in her story, “The Garden party”. ***
- Describe the character of Laura in The Garden Party/study of a girl’s transformation to maturity.
- Discuss The Gift of Magi as a love story/love theme.
- Discuss the character of the narrator/young boy in Araby.
- Give an account of irony of situation/trials and tribulations of the writer during the Luncheon. ***
- How the writer was exploited by the Lady Guest in The Luncheon. / Irony of Situation. ***
- Bring out the symbolic meaning of the title “Games at Twilight”/ Irony. ***
- Discuss the treatment of child psychology in Games at Twilight. ***
- The character of Roghu/Ravi
- Discuss the role of Eppie in bringing about the optimism in Silas Marner’s life. ***
- Discuss the role of chance and coincidence in Silas Marner. ***
- The character of Silas Marner/ Nancy
Part- B
- “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”. Elaborate the line.
- How according to Bacon, does reading make a full man?
- Why did Tagore reject his Knighthood?
- What made Orwell shoot the elephant?
- What does the elephant signify in “Shooting an Elephant”?
- What was the reaction among the Europeans after shooting the elephant?
- Explain the following lines: —
“Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger”.
- What, according to Lincoln, are the unfinished tasks?
- Describe the historical significance of the speech “I Have a Dream”.
- What “twin obligations” does Mandela mention?
- Who is the protagonist of the story “Araby”? What does he aspire to achieve and why?
- What was the writer’s first impression about the lady guest?
- Why does O’ Henry call Jim and Della, the “Magi” of the modern times?
- How Jim and Della prove their love to each other?
- Discuss the character of Jim.
- How did Laura react to the death of her poor neighbor?
- Write a note on ‘Sheridan’s Family’.
- “But we can’t have a garden party with a man dead just outside the front gate”. Who said this and in what context?
Prose suggestion
- Discuss the class consciousness in “The Garden Party”.
- Discuss the use of foreign language in “Cat in the Rain”.
- Briefly comment on the desperation of Ravi to win the game.
- Why is Ravi unwilling to join the funeral game?
- How did Moly die?
- Discuss Silas’s obsession with money.
- What effect does Eppie have on Silas’s life?
- What is the writer’s first impression about the lady guest?
- How did the narrator’s quest/disillusioned for beauty and romance change in Araby?
- What did the narrator in Araby see in the market?
- What done the protagonist strive to achieve?
- How is the American couple portrayed in A Cat in the Rain?
Part- A
Questions of the Previous exam- 2021

The below suggestion was for previous exams, not for you. Follow the above suggestion.
Part- C
- Discuss Bacon’s prose style / aphoristic style based on Of Studies.
- Discuss Bacon’s use of Practical wisdom / pragmatic views.
- Discuss Tagore’s protest and patriotism that you find in “Letter to Lord Chelmsford Rejecting Knighthood”.
- Discuss the background and importance of the Gettysburg address.
- How did Lincoln prove that Democracy is the best form of government?
- Discuss the contribution of Mandela in establishing democracy in South Africa.
- What attitude does Orwell express towards imperialism and colonialism in “Shooting an Elephant“?
- How the writer was exploited by the Lady Guest in The Luncheon. / Irony of Situation
- How the writer shows the romantic craving/adolescent love of a young heart in Araby?
- Sketch the character of Della.
- Discuss the symbolic significance of the can in the story “Can in the Rain”.
- Discuss the role of chance and coincidence in Silas Marner
- Discuss the treatment of child psychology in Games at Twilight.
- The character of Roghu/Ravi
- The Garden Party is the study of a girl’s transformation to maturity-discuss.
PART-B: Short Questions
- “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”. Elaborate the line.
- How according to Bacon, does reading make a full man?
- Why did Tagore reject his Knighthood?
- What made Orwell shoot the elephant?
- What does the elephant signify in “Shooting an Elephant”?
- What was the reaction among the Europeans after shooting the elephant?
- Explain the following lines: —
- “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger”.
- What, according to Lincoln, are the unfinished tasks?
- Describe the historical significance of the speech “I Have a Dream”.
- What “twin obligations” does Mandela mention?
- Who is the protagonist of the story “Araby”? What does he aspire to achieve and why?
- What was the writer’s first impression about the lady guest?
- What irony do you find in the story “The Luncheon”?
- “But I have had my revenge at last” who is the narrator of the line and elucidate the following line.
- Why does O’ Henry call Jim and Della, the “Magi” of the modern times?
- How Jim and Della prove their love to each other?
- Discuss the character of Jim.
Prose Suggestion
- How did Laura react to the death of her poor neighbor?
- Write a note on ‘Sheridan’s Family’.
- “But we can’t have a garden party with a man dead just outside the front gate”. Who said this and in what context?
- Discuss the class consciousness in “The Garden Party”.
- Discuss the use of foreign language in “Cat in the Rain”.
- Briefly comment on the desperation of Ravi to win the game.
- Why is Ravi unwilling to join the funeral game?
- How did Moly die?
- Discuss Silas’s obsession with money.
- What effect does Eppie have on Silas’s life?
- What is the writer’s first impression about the lady guest?
- How did the narrator’s quest/disillusioned for beauty and romance change in Araby?
- What did the narrator in Araby see in the market?
- What done the protagonist strive to achieve?
- How is the American couple portrayed in A Cat in the Rain?
PART-A: Brief Questions

2020 Examination
- Consider I have a dream is a charter/manifesto of freedom and equality for the black people.
- Comment on the theme of alienation in the story “Cats in the Rain”.
- How does K. Mansfield depict a sharp contrast between the haves and have-nots in her story, “The Garden party”.
- Discuss Letter to Chelmsford is a protest against British Raj in India./ tagore’s patriotic feelings
- Sketch the character of Della/ Jim
- How does Bacon use Practical wisdom?/ pragmatic views
- Discuss Mandela’s contribution to establishing democracy in South Africa.
- Orwell’s attitude towards imperialism and colonialism in Shooting an Elephant
- Write the historical background of the Gettysburg address.
- How the writer shows the romantic craving/adolescent love of a young heart in Araby?
- How was the writer exploited by the lady guest in The Luncheon?
- Bring out the symbolic meaning of the title “Games at Twilight”/ Irony.
- The character of Roghu/Ravi
- Discuss the role of Eppie in bringing about the optimism in Silas Marner’s life.
- The character of Silas Marner/ Nancy
Suggestion of Prose Question Writing Techniques
To write effective prose questions, follow these techniques:
1. Be Clear and Specific
- Avoid vague or confusing words.
- Ensure the question has only one clear meaning.
- Example: Instead of “Discuss the theme in the story,” ask “How does the theme of betrayal develop in the story?”
2. Use Open-Ended Questions
- Encourage detailed and thoughtful answers.
- Avoid simple “yes” or “no” questions.
- Example: “How does the author use imagery to create mood in the passage?”
3. Focus on Key Literary Elements
- Ask about character, theme, setting, tone, style, or symbolism.
- Example: “How does the author develop the protagonist’s character through dialogue?”
4. Encourage Critical Thinking
- Ask “how” and “why” questions.
- Avoid questions that only require recall.
- Example: Instead of “What happens in the climax?”, ask “How does the climax affect the resolution?”
5. Include Textual Evidence
- Ask students to support answers with references from the text.
- Example: “How does the narrator’s point of view affect the reader’s understanding of events? Use examples from the text.”
6. Compare and Contrast
- Ask about differences and similarities between characters, themes, or settings.
- Example: “How do the two main characters’ views on justice differ?”
7. Connect to Real Life or Other Texts
- Relate the prose to personal experiences or other literature.
- Example: “How does the theme of ambition in the novel relate to modern society?”
By using these techniques, prose questions will be clear, deep, and engaging.