Prose Suggestion: 1st Year Final Exam- 2023

1st Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2024 (এটা 2024 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান) suggestion of prose

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বিঃ দ্রঃ নিচের 3 Star এর প্রশ্ন গুলো, পরিক্ষার জন্য বেশি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। এই 12 টা প্রশ্ন বেশি বেশি পড়।

Part- C

  1. *** Discuss Bacon’s prose style / aphoristic style based on Of Studies.
  2. *** Discuss Tagore’s protest and patriotism that you find in “Letter to Lord Chelmsford Rejecting Knighthood”.
  3. Discuss the historical background and importance of the Gettysburg address.
  4. *** How did Lincoln prove that Democracy is the best form of government?
  5. Discuss the shooting episode from the Shooting and Elephant.
  6. *** Discuss the role and contribution of Mandela in establishing democracy in South Africa.
  7. *** Comment on the theme of alienation in the story “Cats in the Rain”.
  8. *** How does K. Mansfield depict a social picture/a sharp contrast between the haves and have-nots in her story, “The Garden Party”?
  9. Discuss the character of the narrator/young boy in Araby.
  10. *** Give an account of the irony of the situation/trials and tribulations of the writer during the Luncheon.
  11. *** How the writer was exploited by the Lady Guest in The Luncheon. / Irony of Situation.
  12. Compare and contrast the characters of Jim and Della.
  13. *** Bring out the symbolic meaning of the title “Games at Twilight”/ Irony.
  14. *** Discuss the treatment of child psychology in Games at Twilight.
  15. The character of Roghu/Ravi
  16. *** Discuss the role of Eppie in bringing about optimism in Silas Marner’s life.
  17. The character of Silas Marner/ Nancy
  18. *** Comment on the spiritual regeneration and realization of Silas in Silas Marner Novel.

Part- B

  1. “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”. Elaborate the line.
  2. How according to Bacon, does reading make a full man?
  3. Why did Tagore reject his Knighthood?
  4. What does the elephant signify in “Shooting an Elephant”?
  5. What was the reaction among the Europeans after shooting the elephant?
  6. Explain the following lines: — “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity, and my eyes burned with anguish and anger”.
  7. What, according to Lincoln, are the unfinished tasks?
  8. Describe the historical significance of the speech “I Have a Dream”.
  9. What “twin obligations” does Mandela mention?
  10. Who is the protagonist of the story “Araby”? What does he aspire to achieve and why?
  11. What was the writer’s first impression of the lady guest?
  12. Why does O’ Henry call Jim and Della, the “Magi” of the modern times?
  13. How do Jim and Della prove their love to each other?
  14. Discuss the character of Jim.
  15. How did Laura react to the death of her poor neighbor?
  16. Write a note on ‘Sheridan’s Family’.
  17. “But we can’t have a garden party with a man dead just outside the front gate”. Who said this and in what context?
  18. Discuss the class consciousness in “The Garden Party”.
  19. Discuss the use of foreign language in “Cat in the Rain”.
  20. Briefly comment on the desperation of Ravi to win the game.
  21. Why is Ravi unwilling to join the funeral game?
  22. How did Moly die?
  23. Discuss Silas’s obsession with money.
  24. What effect does Eppie have on Silas’s life?
  25. What is the writer’s first impression of the lady guest?
  26. What did the narrator in Araby see in the market?
  27. What does the protagonist strive to achieve?
  28. How is the American couple portrayed in A Cat in the Rain?

Questions of the Previous exam- 2022

prose question 2022
prose question 2022 1

Part- C

  1. Discuss Bacon’s prose style / aphoristic style based on Of Studies. ***
  2. Discuss bacon as an Essayist.
  3. Discuss Tagore’s protest and patriotism that you find in “Letter to Lord Chelmsford Rejecting Knighthood”. ***
  4. Discuss the historical background and importance of the Gettysburg address.
  5. How did Lincoln prove that Democracy is the best form of government?
  6. What attitude does Orwell express towards imperialism and colonialism in “Shooting an Elephant “? / Discuss shooting episode. ***
  7. Discuss the role and contribution of Mandela in establishing democracy in South Africa.
  8. Consider I have a dream is a charter/manifesto of freedom and equality for the black people. ***
  9. Comment on the theme of alienation in the story “Cats in the Rain”. ***
  10. How does K. Mansfield depict social picture/a sharp contrast between the haves and have-nots in her story, “The Garden party”. ***
  11. Describe the character of Laura in The Garden Party/study of a girl’s transformation to maturity.
  12. Discuss The Gift of Magi as a love story/love theme.
  13. Discuss the character of the narrator/young boy in Araby.
  14. Give an account of irony of situation/trials and tribulations of the writer during the Luncheon. ***
  15. How the writer was exploited by the Lady Guest in The Luncheon. / Irony of Situation. ***
  16. Bring out the symbolic meaning of the title “Games at Twilight”/ Irony. ***
  17. Discuss the treatment of child psychology in Games at Twilight. ***
  18. The character of Roghu/Ravi
  1. Discuss the role of Eppie in bringing about the optimism in Silas Marner’s life. ***
  2. Discuss the role of chance and coincidence in Silas Marner. ***
  3. The character of Silas Marner/ Nancy

Part- B

  1. “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”. Elaborate the line.
  2. How according to Bacon, does reading make a full man?
  3. Why did Tagore reject his Knighthood?
  4. What made Orwell shoot the elephant?
  5. What does the elephant signify in “Shooting an Elephant”?
  6. What was the reaction among the Europeans after shooting the elephant?
  7. Explain the following lines: —

“Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger”.

  1. What, according to Lincoln, are the unfinished tasks?
  2. Describe the historical significance of the speech “I Have a Dream”.
  3. What “twin obligations” does Mandela mention?
  4. Who is the protagonist of the story “Araby”? What does he aspire to achieve and why?
  5. What was the writer’s first impression about the lady guest?
  6. Why does O’ Henry call Jim and Della, the “Magi” of the modern times?
  7. How Jim and Della prove their love to each other?
  8. Discuss the character of Jim.
  9. How did Laura react to the death of her poor neighbor?
  10. Write a note on ‘Sheridan’s Family’.
  11. “But we can’t have a garden party with a man dead just outside the front gate”. Who said this and in what context?

Prose suggestion

  1. Discuss the class consciousness in “The Garden Party”.
  2. Discuss the use of foreign language in “Cat in the Rain”.
  3. Briefly comment on the desperation of Ravi to win the game.
  4. Why is Ravi unwilling to join the funeral game?
  5. How did Moly die?
  6. Discuss Silas’s obsession with money.
  7. What effect does Eppie have on Silas’s life?
  8. What is the writer’s first impression about the lady guest?
  9. How did the narrator’s quest/disillusioned for beauty and romance change in Araby?
  10. What did the narrator in Araby see in the market?
  11. What done the protagonist strive to achieve?
  12. How is the American couple portrayed in A Cat in the Rain?

Part- A

Questions of the Previous exam- 2021

The below suggestion was for previous exams, not for you. Follow the above suggestion.

Part- C

  1. Discuss Bacon’s prose style / aphoristic style based on Of Studies.
  2. Discuss Bacon’s use of Practical wisdom / pragmatic views.
  3. Discuss Tagore’s protest and patriotism that you find in “Letter to Lord Chelmsford Rejecting Knighthood”.
  4. Discuss the background and importance of the Gettysburg address.
  5. How did Lincoln prove that Democracy is the best form of government?
  6. Discuss the contribution of Mandela in establishing democracy in South Africa.
  7. What attitude does Orwell express towards imperialism and colonialism in “Shooting an Elephant“?
  8. How the writer was exploited by the Lady Guest in The Luncheon. / Irony of Situation
  9. How the writer shows the romantic craving/adolescent love of a young heart in Araby?
  10. Sketch the character of Della.
  11. Discuss the symbolic significance of the can in the story “Can in the Rain”.
  12. Discuss the role of chance and coincidence in Silas Marner
  13. Discuss the treatment of child psychology in Games at Twilight.
  14. The character of Roghu/Ravi
  15. The Garden Party is the study of a girl’s transformation to maturity-discuss.


PART-B: Short Questions

  1. “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”. Elaborate the line.
  2. How according to Bacon, does reading make a full man?
  3. Why did Tagore reject his Knighthood?
  4. What made Orwell shoot the elephant?
  5. What does the elephant signify in “Shooting an Elephant”?
  6. What was the reaction among the Europeans after shooting the elephant?
  7. Explain the following lines: —
  8. “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger”.
  9. What, according to Lincoln, are the unfinished tasks?
  10. Describe the historical significance of the speech “I Have a Dream”.
  11. What “twin obligations” does Mandela mention?
  12. Who is the protagonist of the story “Araby”? What does he aspire to achieve and why?
  13. What was the writer’s first impression about the lady guest?
  14. What irony do you find in the story “The Luncheon”?
  15. “But I have had my revenge at last” who is the narrator of the line and elucidate the following line.
  16. Why does O’ Henry call Jim and Della, the “Magi” of the modern times?
  17. How Jim and Della prove their love to each other?
  18. Discuss the character of Jim.

Prose Suggestion

  1. How did Laura react to the death of her poor neighbor?
  2. Write a note on ‘Sheridan’s Family’.
  3. “But we can’t have a garden party with a man dead just outside the front gate”. Who said this and in what context?
  4. Discuss the class consciousness in “The Garden Party”.
  5. Discuss the use of foreign language in “Cat in the Rain”.
  6. Briefly comment on the desperation of Ravi to win the game.
  7. Why is Ravi unwilling to join the funeral game?
  8. How did Moly die?
  9. Discuss Silas’s obsession with money.
  10. What effect does Eppie have on Silas’s life?
  11. What is the writer’s first impression about the lady guest?
  12. How did the narrator’s quest/disillusioned for beauty and romance change in Araby?
  13. What did the narrator in Araby see in the market?
  14. What done the protagonist strive to achieve?
  15. How is the American couple portrayed in A Cat in the Rain?

PART-A: Brief Questions

2020 Examination

  1. Consider I have a dream is a charter/manifesto of freedom and equality for the black people.
  2. Comment on the theme of alienation in the story “Cats in the Rain”.
  3. How does K. Mansfield depict a sharp contrast between the haves and have-nots in her story, “The Garden party”.
  4. Discuss Letter to Chelmsford is a protest against British Raj in India./ tagore’s patriotic feelings
  5. Sketch the character of Della/ Jim
  6. How does Bacon use Practical wisdom?/ pragmatic views
  7. Discuss Mandela’s contribution to establishing democracy in South Africa.
  8. Orwell’s attitude towards imperialism and colonialism in Shooting an Elephant
  9. Write the historical background of the Gettysburg address.
  10. How the writer shows the romantic craving/adolescent love of a young heart in Araby?
  11. How was the writer exploited by the lady guest in The Luncheon?
  12. Bring out the symbolic meaning of the title “Games at Twilight”/ Irony.
  13. The character of Roghu/Ravi
  14. Discuss the role of Eppie in bringing about the optimism in Silas Marner’s life.
  15. The character of Silas Marner/ Nancy

Suggestion of Prose Question Writing Techniques

To write effective prose questions, follow these techniques:

1. Be Clear and Specific

  • Avoid vague or confusing words.
  • Ensure the question has only one clear meaning.
  • Example: Instead of “Discuss the theme in the story,” ask “How does the theme of betrayal develop in the story?”

2. Use Open-Ended Questions

  • Encourage detailed and thoughtful answers.
  • Avoid simple “yes” or “no” questions.
  • Example: “How does the author use imagery to create mood in the passage?”

3. Focus on Key Literary Elements

  • Ask about character, theme, setting, tone, style, or symbolism.
  • Example: “How does the author develop the protagonist’s character through dialogue?”

4. Encourage Critical Thinking

  • Ask “how” and “why” questions.
  • Avoid questions that only require recall.
  • Example: Instead of “What happens in the climax?”, ask “How does the climax affect the resolution?”

5. Include Textual Evidence

  • Ask students to support answers with references from the text.
  • Example: “How does the narrator’s point of view affect the reader’s understanding of events? Use examples from the text.”

6. Compare and Contrast

  • Ask about differences and similarities between characters, themes, or settings.
  • Example: “How do the two main characters’ views on justice differ?”

7. Connect to Real Life or Other Texts

  • Relate the prose to personal experiences or other literature.
  • Example: “How does the theme of ambition in the novel relate to modern society?”

By using these techniques, prose questions will be clear, deep, and engaging.