1st Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2024 (এটা 2024 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান) suggestion of poetry
[ Join CSP Online Private Classes | ফেসবুকে প্রাইভেট ] suggestion of poetry
Part- C
- *** What qualities of metaphysical/love poetry do you find in the poem, The Good-Morrow
- *** Explain the central idea/theme/as a sonnet/critical appreciation of “On His Blindness”.
- Write Critical appreciation/theme of the transitoriness of “To Daffodils”.
- *** How does Thomas Gray glorify common men in his elegy?
- *** Comment on Wordsworth’s treatment of nature in “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”.
- *** Comment on Shelley’s optimism/imagery in “Ode to the West Wind”.
- *** Comment on the treatment of nature/imagery/sensuous elements used in “To Autumn”.
- Discuss The Patriot as a dramatic monologue. / Browning’s optimism.
- Comment on the imagery used in “How Do I Love Thee”.
- *** Discuss the main theme of human experience, the poet’s attitude, and symbols from the “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”.
- *** Comment on the treatment of death in Because I Could Not Stop for Death.
- *** Write an essay in the personal/autobiographical elements of Yeats’ ‘A Prayer for my daughter’.
- Write a critical appreciation of Home Burial.
- ** Comment on the dramatic elements in ‘The Piano’.
- Comment on the use of imagery in Fern Hill.
- *** Pike is an indication of human violence/horror themes/imagery- discuss.
- ** Comment on Tagore’s concept of ideal state suggestion in his poem.
Part- B
- Write a short note on ‘Sonnet’.
- Illustrate Shall I Compare Thee To a Summer’s Day as a sonnet.
- How far is The Good-Morrow a metaphysical love poem?
- What are the characteristics of metaphysical poetry?
- Explain the allusion to the “Seven Sleepers Den”.
- Why is Herrick called Cavalier poet?
- Why does Herrick weep to see the beautiful daffodils?
- How does Milton console himself at the end of the poem?
- Discuss On His Blindness as a sonnet.
- What kind of life did the villagers lead?
- What might the dead rustics become if they got proper opportunities?
- What romantic elements do you find in I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud?
- What is Pantheism?
- What do you understand by the term, ‘Romanticism’?
- Mention some salient features of Wordsworth’s attitude towards nature.
- Describe Wordsworth’s feelings after seeing the Daffodils.
- What prayer does Shelley make the west wind and why?
- How does Shelley treat the West Wind in Ode to the West Wind?
- How is the west wind treated as both a destroyer and a preserver?
Suggestion of poetry
- What is sensuousness?
- What is an ode?
- How does Keats personify autumn in his ode?
- What are the fruits of Autumn?
- What are the songs of Autumn, according to the poet?
- Describe briefly the different activities of autumn.
- How does E.B. Browning convey the idea of the passionate nature of her love for her husband?
- What are the qualities of Telemachus that makeup him different from his father?
- What is a dramatic monologue? How is Ulysses by Tennyson a dramatic monologue?
- How was the patriot treated at the beginning and one year later?
- What is dramatic monologue? Discuss The Patriot as a dramatic monologue.
- How does The Patriot reflect Browning’s profound optimism?
- What reasons do you guess are responsible for the fall of The Patriot?
- How does Browning show the tragedy of a patriot in his poem?
- Comment on Whitman as a mystic poet.
- “Whitman is known as a poet of democracy.” Discuss.
- What things did Emily Dickinson see on her way to eternity?
- What is Emily Dickinson’s attitude towards life, death and eternity?
Suggestion of poetry
- Comment on the symbols Dickinson used in her poem, Because I Could Not Stop for Death.
- What spiritual elements do you find in Where the Mind is Without Fear?
- What does Rabindranath mean by ‘narrow domestic walls’ in Where the Mind is Without Fear?
- What does Rabindranath describe the present state of his country?
- What does the poet pray to God and why in the poem “A Prayer for My Daughter”?
- What does Yeats mean by “intellectual hatred” in his poem, A Prayer for My Daughter?
- What personal elements do you find in the poem, A Prayer for My Daughter?
- Write a note on the grief of the wife in Home Burial.
- How does Frost show the relationship between Amy and her husband in his poem, Home Burial?
- What image of childhood do you get from the poem, The Piano?
- How does the poet show the relation between a man and his mother in The Piano?
- How does Dylan Thomas describe his childhood in Fern Hill?
- How does Dylan Thomas make use of the colour images in Fern Hill?
- What religious elements do you find in the poem, Fern Hill?
- What happened to the Pikes in a jar?
- Describe Pike as an animal poem.
- What is the poet’s reaction after his sister’s death in the poem, Learning Grief?
- Write a brief note on Learning Grief.
Rhetoric and Prosody | suggestion of poetry
Write short notes on:
- Elegy
- Blank Verse
- Personification
- Symbol
- Ode
- Metaphor
- Heroic Couplet
- Pun
- Imagery
- Accent
- What is measure or foot?
- Sonnet
- Scansion
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Techniques for Answering Questions from Poetry
1. Read the Poem Carefully
Reading the poem multiple times helps in understanding its message. Identifying the speaker, setting, and mood gives a clear idea of what the poet wants to express. Paying attention to words, phrases, and punctuation can reveal deeper meanings.
2. Understand the Question
Every question should be read carefully to identify keywords. Some questions ask for explanation, while others require analysis or comparison. Recognizing what is required helps in giving a precise and relevant answer.
3. Identify Literary Devices
Literary devices play a key role in poetry. Identifying imagery, metaphors, similes, personification, and symbolism helps in understanding how the poet conveys emotions and ideas. These elements should be explained clearly in the answer.
4. Explain the Meaning Clearly
The poet’s ideas should be explained in simple words. It is important to avoid unnecessary complexity. Supporting the explanation with evidence from the poem makes the answer stronger and more convincing.
5. Analyze Themes and Emotions
Every poem has a central idea, such as love, nature, time, or loss. Identifying these themes helps in understanding the poet’s message. The poet’s emotions should also be analyzed, whether they express joy, sorrow, hope, or nostalgia.
6. Discuss the Poem’s Structure
The structure of a poem can influence its meaning. Observing the rhyme scheme, rhythm, stanza divisions, and line breaks can provide insights into how the poet creates a particular effect. Recognizing the poem’s form, such as a sonnet, ode, or ballad, also adds depth to the response.
7. Use Quotes from the Poem
Including important lines from the poem makes the answer stronger. These lines should be explained to highlight their meaning and effect. This helps in demonstrating a deeper understanding of the poem.
8. Write Clearly and Organize the Answer
A well-structured response is easy to understand. Short paragraphs with clear ideas make the answer more effective. Avoiding repetition and using precise language ensures clarity.
9. Identify Tone and Mood
The poet’s attitude toward the subject should be analyzed. Whether the tone is joyful, nostalgic, sorrowful, or hopeful, it should be explained with supporting details. Identifying how words and images create emotions helps in answering effectively.
10. Check Grammar and Spelling
Before submitting, the answer should be reviewed for grammar and spelling mistakes. Correct punctuation and sentence structure make the response clearer and more professional.
By following these techniques, poetry questions can be answered in a structured and effective way.