Suggestion of 17th and 18th Century Non Fictional Prose

3rd Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা ২০২5 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

Suggestion of 17th and 18th Century Non Fictional Prose

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@ জুমে লাইভ ক্লাস হয়।
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@ শনি-সোম-বুধ, রাত 8.30-9.30 টা
@ ক্লাস রেকর্ড করে গ্রুপে শেয়ার করা হয়।
@ পেইড জুম সফটওয়্যার, তাই নিরবচ্ছিন ১ ঘণ্টা ক্লাস হয়
@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।


Part – C

Francis Bacon

  1. *** Bacon’s essays never fail to attract readers/as an essayist– Discuss.
  2. *** Discuss Renaissance elements in Bacon’s essays.
  3. Discuss Bacon as a philosopher.

Addison and Steele

  1. *** Depict the 18th Century social pictures based on the ‘Coverley Papers’.
  2. Discuss Adisson’s prose style.
  3. *** Discuss the character of Sir Roger.

The Life of Cowley

  1. *** Discuss Johnson’s art of writing criticism/critic and biography/biographer.
  2. *** Discuss ‘The Life of Cowley’ as a literary Criticism.
  3. *** According to Johnson, what are Cowley’s strengths and limitations/weaknesses as a poet?
  4. Discuss epic qualities found in Davideis.

Speech on the East India Bill

  1. *** Discuss Burk’s views on India. Did he oppose colonial rule?
  2. *** Evaluate India Company based on Burke’s ‘Speech on the East India Bill’?
  3. How does Burke criticise Hasting in his Speech on the East India Bill?


Part – B

Francis Bacon

  1. How can a chaste woman correct her husband and lead a peaceful life?
  2. “Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants, but not always best subjects”- Justify.
  3. How can a man having a family lead a peaceful and disciplined life?
  4. Write a note on ‘Dispersed Meditations’.
  5. What benefits do people of different professions want to have from lies?
  6. Why do people get fascinated to tell lies?
  7. ‘It is the sinfullest thing in the world to forsake or destitute a plantation…’- explain.
  8. What measures should a planter take to organize in the early days of its plantation?
  9. Planting of countries is like planting of woods- explain.
  10. What are the measures to be considered to plant in a far-off region?
  11. What are the ways of winning a high place?
  12. What are the disadvantages of getting high place?
  13. How does a man lose liberty/freedom holding high position?
  14. What are the virtues and vices of great place?
  15. What are the vices of authority to be avoided according to Bacon?
  16. What are the Bacon’s arguments in favour of revenge?
  17. How does Bacon argue against revenge?
  18. Write a note on Aphorism.
  19. It is impossible to love and be wise- Explain.
  20. ‘Revenge is a kind of wild justice’- How?
  21. ‘Nuptial love maketh mankind, friendly love perfecth it, but wanton love corrupth and embaseth it’- Explain.

Addison and Steele

  1. How does Addison express his modest attitude?
  2. How does Addison want to reform the society?
  3. What do you know about the education of Joseph Addison?
  4. Write a note on Sir Roger de Coverley.
  5. What is the significance of the name of Sir Roger de Coverley?
  6. How was Sir Roger disappointed in love?
  7. How does love degrade a human being?
  8. How does Steele portray the character of the Clergyman?
  9. Describe the importance of Sunday in the life of Christians.
  10. Do you consider Sir Roger a devotee of God?
  11. How does Roger exercise his authority in the Church?
  12. What was his friends’ opinion about Sir Roger’s character?
  13. What ironies do you find in Sir Roger’s religious activities?
  14. Describe the beauty and attitude of the widow.
  15. Describe the members of the Club.
  16. How did Sir Roger become the slave of the widow?
  17. What were given to different people by Sir Roger before his death?
  18. How did Sir Roger Die?
  19. Give a description of Sir Roger’s Burial.

Samuel Johnson

  1. How, according to Johnson, does genius flourish?
  2. Give an account of Cowley’s engagement at Paris.
  3. Why was Cowley censured for his comedy, Guardian?
  4. Comment on Dr. Johnson’s attitude to the use of conceit in metaphysical poetry?
  5. What kind of poems did the metaphysical poets write?
  6. What is the Davideis?
  7. What did Cowley want to give expression in the Davideis?
  8. How does Dr. Johnson assess Cowley as a poet?
  9. Write a note on Cowley’s pindarism.
  10. How does Johnson compare Cowley and Milton as poets?
  11. Why can’t Cowley’s Davideis be judged as an epic?

Edmund Burke

  1. What is the effect/consequence of the East India Bill?
  2. Describe the geographical existence of India?
  3. Why was the Maratta treaty failed?
  4. How does the Company abuse the external federal trust?
  5. How is the East India Charter different from the other Charters?
  6. What are the four objections raised by the bill against the Charter of EIB company?
  7. What was the aim/intention of the East India Bill?
  8. Write a note on Fox’s India Bill.

Previous Questions

Question of 2022

16th and 17th century non fictional prose 1
16th and 17th century non fictional prose 2

Question of 2021

non fictional prose 1
non fictional prose 2

Question of 2020

NB: নিচের সাজেশান টা আগের বছরের। উপরের টা তোমাদের।

Part – C

  1. Bacon’s essays never fail to attract readers/as an essayist– Discuss.
  2. Discuss Renaissance elements in Bacon’s essays.

  1. Depict the 18th Century social pictures based on the ‘Coverley Papers’.
  2. Discuss Adisson’s prose style.
  3. Discuss the character of Sir Roger.

  1. Discuss Johnson’s art of writing criticism and biography.
  2. Discuss ‘The Life of Crowley’ as a literary Criticism.
  3. According to Johnson, what are Cowley’s strengths and limitations/weaknesses as a poet?
  4. Discuss epic qualities found in Davideis.

  1. Evaluate East India Company/abuses & corruptions based on Burke’s ‘Speech on the East India Bill’?
  2. Discuss Burke’s prose style and oratory skills.
  3. Discuss Burk’s views on India. Did he oppose colonial rule?


Previous Suggestion

For 3rd Final Year Exam- 2020

  1. Bacon’s essays never fail to attract readers- Discuss.
  2. Discuss Bacon’s prose style. [got common]
  3. Discuss Bacon as a philosopher/practical wisdom. [got common]
  4. Discuss Addison as the pioneer of the English novel. [got common]
  5. Depict the 18th Century social pictures based on the ‘Coverley Papers’.
  6. Examine Addison as a social satirist. [got common]
  7. Discuss Dr. Johnson’s account of metaphysical poetry in The Life of Crowley. [got common]
  8. Discuss Johnson’s art of writing criticism and biography.
  9. Discuss ‘The Life of Crowley’ as a literary Criticism. [got common]
  10. Evaluate India Company based on Burke’s ‘Speech on the East India Bill’?
  11. Discuss Burke’s prose style.
  12. Write on Burke’s oratory skills.


Suggestion For 3rd Year- 2019 | 17th and 18th Century Non-Fictional Prose | বাংলা লেকচার