Suggestion of Modern Novel

Suggestion of Modern Novel: MA-2022

By Cloud School Pro

Part – C

The Old Man and the Sea

  1. *** Trace out the major symbols in The Old Man and the Sea.
  2. *** What is a code hero? Evaluate Santiago as a code hero according to Hemingway hero.
  3. *** The Old Man and the Sea is a celebration of life and humanity– Discuss.
  4. Assess the relationship between the old man and the boy Manolin

Lord of the Flies

  1. *** Show the character development of Ralph as the protagonist in ‘Lord of the Flies’.
  2. *** Compare and contrast between the characters Ralph and Jack
  3. *** Justify the title of the novel, ‘Lord of the Flies’. 
  4. Explain the significance of the Coral Island in Lord of the Flies.
  5. Show the symbolic significance of the beast imagery in Lord of the Flies.

The Scarlet Letter

  1. *** Comment on the theme of ‘crime’ and ‘punishment as presented in ‘The Scarlet Letter’.
  2. *** Examine critically Hawthrone’s puritanic attitude in the novel “The Scarlet Letter’.
  3. *** Write a note on the use of symbols in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.
  4. *** Bring out the dramatic significance of the scaffold scenes/forest scene in ‘The Scarlet Letter’.
  5. Do you consider Hester Prynne a tragic character? Illustrate in your answer.
  6. Discuss the theme of isolation found in the novel.
  7. Is Hester Prynne’s tragedy a tragedy of fate or circumstance?

Brave New World

  1. *** What is a satire? Consider ‘Brave New World’ as a satire?
  2. *** Brave New World’ is a science fiction but at the same time it is also a criticism of science. Elucidate. 
  3. *** Evaluate the symbolic significance of John the savage in the novel ‘Brave New World’.
  4. Do you consider Brave New World to be a dystopia?
  5. Justify the title of the novel Brave New World.


  1. *** Critically examine the instances of ‘bad faith’ as presented in the novel ‘Nausea’. 
  2. *** Nausea is a study of an individual trying to understand his relationship with the phenomena around him. Discuss. 
  3. Critically analyse the character of Antoine Roquentin in ‘Nausea’.
  4. Comment on the theme of loneliness in Nausea.

Part – B

The Old Man and the Sea

  1. Discuss Santiago’s attitude to the Marlin
  2. In what way is DiMaggio a source of inspiration to Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea?
  3. Comment on the isolation of Santiago, the old fisher man in  The Old Man and the Sea.
  4. Explain “A Man can be destroyed but not defeated.”
  5. Is The Old Man and the Sea a tragic story?
  6. What are the functions of Joe DiMaggion in The Old Man and the Sea?
  7. What is the functions of the code hero?
  8. Show Santiago’s dynamism in fighting with the shark.
  9. What do the lions which Santiago dreams of signify?
  10. How the old man kill the great marlin?
  11. Do you find any resemblance between Santiago and Jessus Christ in this novel?
  12. What moral victory does Santiago win in his battle with the hostile forces in The Old Man and the Sea?

Lord of the Flies

  1. What makes the boys in Lord of the Files agree to start a fire and with what consequences?
  2. How is Ralph rescued from the clutches of the savages in Lord of the Files?
  3. What does the beastie symbolize?
  4. How did Piggy die?
  5. Discuss the circumstances that led to the death of Simon.
  6. Write a short note on Coral Island.
  7. What is the significance of Lord in Lord of the Files?
  8. Discuss the use and significance of fire in Lord of the Files?
  9. Discuss the significance of the conch in Lord of the Files?

The Scarlet Letter

  1. Discuss the significance of the first scaffold scene in The Scarlet Letter.
  2. What happens to Hester Prynne and Pearl after the death of Dimmesdale of the scaffold?
  3. Discuss the significance of the third scaffold scene.
  4. What does the rose bush symbolize?
  5. How is Roger Chillingworth a symbolic figure?
  6. What is the significance of the forest?
  7. How does Pearl react to The Scarlet Letter?
  8. Trace out the role and significance of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter?
  9. Describe the brief happy moments of Dimmesdale and Hester Prynne spent in the forest?
  10. What are the effects of the scarlet letter on Hester Prynne?
  11. Write a short not eon the character of Dimmesdale.
  12. Comment on the negative role of Roger Chillingworth.
  13. Describe the negative role of the second scaffold scene in The Scarlet Letter.
  14. Describe Pearl’s personality and appearance?

Brave New World

  1. Why do the people of Brave New World worship Ford instead of God?
  2. Why is your impression about Helmholtz Watson in Brave New World?
  3. Why is John the Savage considered the most important character in Brave New World?
  4. What is the symbolic significance of DHC?
  5. Trace the destopian qualities of the society in Brave New World.
  6. Why does John commit suicide at the end of Brave New World?
  7. Describe the functions of Fanny Crowne.
  8. How are the people of the world state treated?
  9. Discuss the character of Linda in Brave New World.
  10. Sketch the character of Lemina in Brave New World.


  1. Show Nausea as a psychological novel.
  2. How does the hero of the novel overcome the state of nausea?
  3. Discuss the use of Stream of Consciousness in Nausea.
  4. How according to Startre, are freedom and responsibility interrelated?
  5. Why is the novel titled as Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre?
  6. Why is Nausea considered the seminal text?
  7. How are consciousness and self-reflection reflected in the narrative of the novel?
  8. When does an epiphany occur to Roquentin in Nausea?
  9. Discuss in brief the theme of isolation in Nausea.
  10. How does Sartre display his theory existence precedes essence in Nausea?