All Class Links
Class 1: Orientation, Tips & Tricks
Class 2: Oedipus Rex: Part 1
Class 3: Oedipus Rex, Part- 2
Class 4: As you like it, Part 1
Class 5: As you like it, Part 2
Special Class: Discussion about Advanced Reading and Writing Skills
Class 6: Songs of Innocence, William Blake, Part- 1
Class 7: Songs of Innocence, William Blake, Part- 2
Class 8: Songs of Experience, Part- 1
Class 9: Songs of Experience, Part- 2
Class 10: Ode on a Grecian Urn
Class 11: Ode to a Nightingale, Part- 1
Class 12: Ode to a Nightingale, Part- 2
Class 13: To a Skylark, Part- 1
Class 14: To a Skylark, Part- 2
Class 15: Adonais, Part- 1
Class 16: Adonais, Part- 2
Class 17: Overview of the History of English Literature
Class 18: Anglo Saxon Period
Class 19: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Middle English events, and Beowulf
Class 20: Describe the social picture of the Anglo-Saxon period found in Beowulf
Class 21: Anglo Norman Period and Middle English Age
Class 22: Norman conquest, and introduction of the Chaucerian age
Class 23: Chaucerian age and Chaucer as a representative of his age
Class 24: Brief Question from the Chaucerian age
Class 25: Revival age, the brief question of reformation age
Class 26: An essay on the reformation age, Discussion on Advanced reading and writing question
Class 27: Form, Voice, Style, Audience, Purpose of writing
Class 28: Transformation and Introductory Paragraph
Class 29: Advanced reading and writing- Passage, Part- A
Class 30: Discussion about Clause- Advanced Reading and Writing
Class 31: Writing I, Part- A, Advanced Reading and Writing
Class 32: Arms and the Man
Class 33: Brief and short notes of Arms and the Man
Class 34: Riders to the Sea
Class 35: Brief of Riders to the Sea
Class 36: The Lion and the Jewel, Part- 1
Class 37: The Lion and The Jewel, Part- 2
Class 38: Brief of The Lion and The Jewel
Class 39: Elizabethan age
Class 40: University wits and their contributions to English Drama
Class 41: Puritan age, Discuss Shakespeare’s contribution to English drama.
Class 42: Jacobean age
Class 43: Caroline age and
How did religion and politics affect the Puritan age/ features of the Puritan age?
Class 44: Don Juan, Part- 1
Class 45: Don Juan, Part- 2
Class 46: Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Part- 1
Class 47: Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Part- 2
Class 48: Kubla khan, Part- 1
Class 49: Kubla Khan, Part- 2
Class 50: Brief questions from Coleridge poems, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan
Class 51: Ode to Intimation of Immortality, Part- 1
Class 52: Ode: Intimation to Immortality, Part- 2
Class 53: Immortality Ode, Part- 3
Class 54: It is a Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free
Class 55: Tintern Abbay, Part- 1
Class 56: Tintern Abbey, Part- 2
Class 57: Tintern Abbey, Part- 3
Class 58: London 1802 by Wordsworth
Class 59: She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways
Class 60: Restoration Period
Class 61: Give a description of the restoration age/ features of this age/ restoration comedy of manner.
Discuss the historical and political background of the Restoration period.
Class 62: Neo-Classical period
Class 63: 18the century is an age of satire
Class 64: What are the salient traits of the Neo-classical Age?
Class 65: “Neo-classical Age is the age of prose and reason”- why?
Class 66: Discuss Tennyson as a representative poet of Victoria age.
Class 67: Describe the characteristics of the romantic age.
Class 68: Discuss the romantic poets and their contributions to English poetry.
What are the salient trends/feature/traits/tendencies/characteristics/aspects of the Victorian Age?
Class 69: Describe the feature of Victorian novels/ write a note on Victorian women novelists.
Class 70: Discuss Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy as Victorian novelists.
Class 71: Discuss the conflicts between science and religion of the Victorian age.
Class 72: Describe the influence of the French Revolution on romantic poetry.
Class 73: Describe the features of the modern novel/drama/age.
Class 74: Reading Skill, Part- C, Poems Analysis, Ozymandias, Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
Class 75: My Heart Leaps Up –When I Behold by W. Wordsworth
Crabbed Age and Youth by Shakespeare
Class 76: The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W. B. Yeats
Class 77: Dover Beach
Class 78: Dreams by DH Lawrence, Dreams by Langston Hughes
Class 79: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
My Last Duchess by Robert Browning
Class 80: History of English Literature, Part B
What do you know about King Alfred?
Why did the reformation happen in England?
What is Renaissance?
Class 81:
For what is Ben Jonson remarkable in the Jacobean Period?
Discuss the contribution of Sir Thomas More
Write about the Globe Theatre.
Why is Bacon’s prose style significant??
Class 82:
What Blake is called the precursor of Romanticism?
Describe Coleridge’s ‘Willing Suspension of Disbelief’.
Write a note on Keats’s Negative Capability.
What are the features of Romantic Poetry?
Write a note on “Stream of Consciousness”.
Class 83:
What do you know by “Victorian Compromise”?
What is the Symbolist Movement?
What is Absurd Drama?
Class 84:
Old English Ballads/Middle English Romances
Anglo-Saxon Chronicles
Class 85:
Black Death,
Peasants’ Revolt
Class 86:
Gunpowder Plot
The Canterbury Tales
Paradise Lost
Class 87:
Decadent Play
Dramatic Monologue
Comedy of Manner
Class 88:
Hundred Years War
Class 89:
Morte d’ Arthur
Heroic Couplet,
Class 90:
Class 91:
The Coverly Papers
The Spectator
Lyrical Ballads
Class 92:
University wits
Oxford Movement
Caxton Printing Press
Class 93:
Restoration age
The Origin of Species
Class 94:
Pilgrim’s Progress
Class 95: Consider Oedipus a tragic hero.
Class 96:
Discuss the role and function of the Chorus in King Oedipus.
What is the prologue and its role in King Oedipus?
Why did Oedipus call Teiresias to his palace?
Discuss King Oedipus as a tragedy of fate.
Class 97:
Discuss the dramatic irony used in Oedipus Rex.
Class 98:
Discuss the character and role of Teiresias.
Comment on the significance of the encounter between Oedipus and Creon.
Class 99:
Write on Shakespeare’s wit and humor in As You Like It.
Class 100:
Discuss the importance of the Forest of Arden.
Class 101:
Depict the character of Rosalind/Celia.
Consider As You Like It as a romantic comedy/find romantic elements.
Class 102:
Evaluate “Arms and the Man” as an anti-romantic comedy.
Class 103:
Find out the anti-heroic qualities/character of Bluntschli.
Comment on the theme of war, love, and marriage in “Arms and the Man”.
Class 104:
Comment on the meeting scene/bed-chamber scene in “Arms and the Man”.
Class 105:
How does the “Riders to the Sea” create a universal appeal?
Class 106:
Evaluate Maurya as a tragic character.
Class 107:
Role of sea, nature, fate in Riders to the Sea
Class 108:
Discuss the anticolonial theme in The Lion and the Jewel.
Class 109:
Discuss the anticolonial theme in The Lion and the Jewel.
Class 110:
Discuss the victory of traditional values over western values in The Lion and the Jewel.
Discuss the condition of women in The Lion and the Jewel.
Justify the title of The Lion and the Jewel.
Class 111:
Comment on Blake’s treatment of childhood with reference to his poems.
Class 112:
Discuss Blake’s use of Symbols and Imagery in his Poems.
Class 113:
Discuss the mysticism/mystic elements found in Songs of Innocence and Experience.
Class 114:
Discuss the theme of loss and recompense in Immortality Ode.
Class 115:
Discuss the treatment of/attitude to nature in Tintern Abbey.
Class 116:
What are the three stages of growth mentioned in Tintern Abbey?
Discuss the supernatural elements/mingling of natural and supernatural elements in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”.
Class 117:
Discuss The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is an allegory of crime, punishment, and redemption.
Class 118:
How does Byron satirize society/ social satire/ the idea of conventional love and marriage?
Class 119:
Consider Don Juan as a typical Byronic hero/character of Don Juan
Class 120:
Discuss Shelley’s use of imagery/images in “To a Skylark”.
Discuss the pastoral elements/treatment of nature in Adonais.
Class 121:
Consider Keats as a romantic poet with reference to his odes.
Find out the beauty and sensuous elements in Keats’ poems.
Class 122:
Stopping by woods…
Road not taken
For Advanced reading and writing Part- C
Class 123:
Discuss “Kubla Khan” is a poem about the poetic creation/product of sheer fancy/romantic elements/imageries.
Class 124:
My Last Duchess
Class 125:
Last Class- Tips for Final Exam
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