4th Year Final Exam 2023, will be held on the year-2025 (এটা 2025 সালের এক্সাম এর জন্য সাজেশান)

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@ নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বিদ্যুৎ আছে, সো বিদ্যুৎ যাওয়ার বা রেকর্ড ক্লাস হারিয়ে যাওয়ার ভয় নেই।
Part – C
The Iliad
- *** Discuss the epic elements in The Iliad.
- *** Compare and contrast the characters of Achilles and Hector.
- *** “The subject of The Iliad is the wrath of Achilles”- Discuss.
- Discuss the social picture found in The Iliad.
- *** Describe the red-carpet episode/opening scene.
- *** Discuss the elements of dramatic irony in the Agamemnon
- *** Discuss Agamemnon as a tragic hero/how far Agamemnon is responsible for his tragedy.
- Discuss the character of Clytemnestra.
- *** Evaluate Medea as a tragic hero/heroine.
- *** Discuss the role of the chorus in Medea.
- *** Discuss Medea as a revenge tragedy.
- Discuss the dramatic significance of the death scene of Glauce.
The Frogs
- *** Discuss the features of old comedy in The Frogs.
- *** Consider The Frog as a satire.
- Discuss Dionysus’s journey to Hades.
- Discuss The Frog reflects the political situation of Athens of that period.
- *** Discuss the role of the chorus/nurse in Phaedra.
- *** Discuss Phaedra as a revenge tragedy/tragedy of unrequited love.
- *** Discuss Phaedra as a tragic character.
- Who is responsible for Phaedra’s tragedy?
Part – B
The Iliad
- What is the role played by divine powers in Homer’s epic the Iliad?
- Describe the role of gods and goddesses in the Iliad.
- Whom would you consider the protagonist of The Iliad?
- Compare the characters of Achilles and Hector.
- What led Achilles to come back to the Trojan War?
- Discuss the involvement of Patroclus in the Trojan War.
- What was Queen Hecuba’s dream when she conceived Paris?
- What was Hector’s attitude to Helen who is believed as the cause of misfortune?
- Write a note on Helen of Troy.
- Write a note on Homeric Simile.
- Write a note on Achilles’ shield.
- What was Hector’s last request to Achilles?
- What was Hector’s attitude to Paris?
- What do you know about the Trojan Horse?
- The Iliad is a glowing picture of the heroic age- Discuss.
- Trace the origin of the Greek tragedy with the reference to Aeschylus.
- Write about Aeschylus’s gods and goddesses.
- Bring out the dramatic significance of the Red-Carpet Episode in Agamemnon.
- Briefly discuss the dramatic irony in Aeschylus’ play The Agamemnon.
- How do you assess Agamemnon as a tragedy?
- Write a note on Iphigenia.
- Discuss the importance of the opening scene of Agamemnon.
- Can Agamemnon’s murder be justified?
- What for did Medea kill her own children?
- Under what circumstances did Medea become revengeful?
- How did Medea kill Creon, Glauce, and her children?
- Is Medea a wife only or also a mother? Discuss.
- How did Medea change herself to reach her goal?
- Write what you know about Jason.
- What is the importance of the entry of the Chorus in Medea?
- How did Medea and Jason react to the killing of Glauce and Creon?
- Why did Jason marry Glauce in Medea?
- Write a note on Medea-Jason relationship.
The Frogs
- Justify the title of the play The Frogs.
- What role does Pluto play in The Frogs?
- Why did Aeschylus and Euripides attack each other? What was the result?
- What role does Dionysus play in The Frogs?
- Do you consider Aristophanes as a satirist?
- Who are the intellectuals in The Frogs?
- What is the significance of The Frogs as a Comedy?
- What is a prologue? What purpose does the prologue serve in The Frogs?
- Do you consider the Frogs as a fantasy or a literary criticism?
- Whom did Aristophanes patronize- Euripides or Aeschylus?
- What was Aristophanes attitude towards women?
- How did Dionysus resolve the dispute between Aeschylus and Euripides?
- Write a note on Hippolytus.
- Why does Hippolytus prefer a rustic life in nature to a courtly life?
- Write a note on the court life found in Phaedra.
- What drives Phaedra to welcome death?
- Discuss the character of Phaedra as a woman of high passion.
- How does Neptune fulfil Theseus’ prayer?
- How did Hippolytus die?
- Comment on the way of life of Hippolytus.
- Discuss the role of the chorus in Phaedra.
- Why does Hippolytus feel a strong hatred for womenfolk?
- What happened when Phaedra tried to embrace Hippolytus?
- Write a note on the prelude in Phaedra.
- How does the Nurse try to guide Phaedra at the beginning of the play?
- Why does Phaedra say, ‘Unreason drives me into evil’?
Previous Questions
Question of 2022

Question of 2021

NB: নিচের সাজেশান টা আগের বছরের। উপরের টা তোমাদের অর্থাৎ যারা 24 সালে পরিক্ষা দিবে।
Part – C
- Discuss the character of Clytemnestra.
- “The subject of The Iliad is the wrath of Achilles“- Discuss.
- How does Homer delineate Olympian gods and goddesses in The Illiad?
- What picture of society do you find in the Iliad?
- Discuss the elements of dramatic irony in the Agamemnon
- Discuss Agamemnon as a tragic hero./how far Aga is responsible for his tragedy.
- Discuss the role and function of the chorus in the Play Agamemnon.
- Describe the red carpet episode/opening scene.
- Discuss the character of Clytemnestra.
- Discuss the role of the chorus in Medea.
- Discuss Medea as a revenge tragedy.
- Discuss the dramatic significance of the death scene of Glauce.
- Discuss the features of old comedy in The Frogs.
- Discuss Dionysus’s journey to Hades.
- Describe The Frogs evoke laughter but malice.
- Discuss Phaedra as a revenge tragedy.
- Discuss the role of the chorus in Phaedra.
- Discuss Phaedra as a tragedy of unrequited love.
- Discuss Phaedra as a tragic character.
Question of Previous Year

Previous suggestion- not for the upcoming exam For 2020
- Discuss the Epic elements in The Iliad.
- Compare and contrast the character of Achilles and Hector.
- Discuss the character of Clytemnestra.
- Discuss the elements of dramatic irony in Agamemnon.
- Discuss Agamemnon as a tragic hero.
- Discuss Medea as a tragic heroine.
- Discuss the role of the chorus in Medea.
- Discuss Medea as a revenge tragedy.
- Aristophanes criticizes the intellectuals of his age in The Frogs-discuss.
- Discuss the features of old comedy in The Frogs.
- Discuss Phaedra as a revenge tragedy.
- Discuss the role of the chorus in Phaedra.
- Discuss Phaedra as a tragedy of unrequited love.